Hey everyone! We’re excited to announce that the official blog for the PCW Bug Hunters is on its way. We're in the process of moving all our findings and research onto this new platform to make it easier for everyone to access and stay up-to-date with the latest from our group. Transitioning from our previous storage method is taking a bit of time, but we want to ensure everything is organized and ready for you to dive into.
While we work on getting everything set up, here’s a bit about who we are and what we do:
Who is PCW Bug Hunters?
We’re a dedicated team of players, programmers, and exploiters focused on identifying and reporting bugs within Project CW. Our mission is simple: we hunt down bugs, dig into gameplay mechanics, and report our findings to the developers to make the game better for everyone. We operate anonymously to focus entirely on contributing to the game’s improvement, not publicizing sensitive issues or exploits. Everything published in our Research section (https://pcw-bug-hunters.vercel.app/research/introduction/about-us) is published after the researched issue was fixed, the issue is no longer relevant to the current version of the game or it doesnt have direct or indirect impact towards the gameplay and player experience.
What do we do?
The content you’ll see on this site highlights our discoveries during the first Public Alpha Playtest (January 17 to February 5, 2024). We found and documented bugs, technical issues, and quirks in gameplay mechanics. Our research will resume with the next playtest, whenever that drops! Until then you can read our lengthy research posts about what we found so far and what we are currently working on.
Interested in joining?
Right now, we’re not recruiting since there’s no active playtest. When we are, recruitment is selective. We look for knowledgeable, passionate individuals on the game’s public Discord, reaching out directly through SINEWAVE_ if you’re a good fit. Remember: any contact about joining the group that isn’t from SINEWAVE_ isn’t legitimate.
We can’t wait to launch this blog and share all our work with you. Keep an eye out for updates, and thanks for your patience as we get everything in place!