Wierd Pattern images

A quick dive into mysterious images from the game files, featuring two patterns marked with rough edits that hint at developer intentions.

The Discovery

In the game files, two images were found displaying some kind of "patterns", one with an "X" drawn over it and the other marked with a green shield. Both markings look like they were quickly added by the dev team using a simple brush in Photoshop.

Pattern Attack

  • File name: pattern_attack32d3a1eecf34b7f43c5e0335ae1c50c2

The image shows a side-view wireframe illustration of the front section of an Abrams tank, with a red "X" hand-drawn near the turret ring area. The marking appears to have been added manually.

Pattern Attack

Pattern Defence

  • File name: pattern_defence089e9488d2213ccc551315b61ad44a96

The same wireframe illustration of the front section of an Abrams tank is depicted, identical to the "Pattern Attack" image. Both images appear to "cut" at the same position. This version includes a green, hand-drawn "shield" symbol covering a similar area, stretching from the gas extractor on the far right to the machine gun mount on the far left.

Pattern Defence


These two images featuring an Abrams tank may represent a conceptual game mode where players are tasked with defending one group of tanks while attacking another. Given the speculative and incomplete nature of datamined files, these images do not confirm any specific feature but rather suggest the simple idea of "this tank needs to be destroyed" versus "this tank needs to be defended."